• Wednesday, July 12, 2006

    Dream State.

    I had an awful dream last night. My mother was sick, plus a co-worker poisoned her to get her job. My mother realized her food was poisoned, but she kept eating it even though I begged her not to. Slowly she became more paralyzed and unable to breathe. There were many other elements similar to her real death. It was tortured and fraught to watch. Once she died, the dream proceeded rather strangely, involving breakfast buffets, ski slopes, and shower beds.

    Anyway, I awoke unable to remember what was true and what was imagined. She really had died, yes, but not like in the dream. Yes, she was gone. I fought the urge to cry; it is a hard way to begin a day.

    Meanwhile, my husband was walking around the bedroom getting ready for work. I gave him the dream summary and its resulting effect on me. He gave me some pats and said he was sorry my dreams were so unpleasant.

    What I really wanted to do was sob and weep. I wanted him to put an arm around me and just be with me, to stop what he was doing. But he was bustling around. I found myself unable and unwilling to ask him for anything. I'm so tired of having to ask him to clue in to me. Feeling despondant is bad enough, but add to it the burden of having to ask repeatedly for someone to tune in and pay attention...I don't think I have it in me anymore.

    Luckily today I have time by myself so I can sit and think and try to figure out what I want to happen next.


    At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So sorry about your bad dream. I hate dreams like that. They have the power to stay with me for days--fuck that, years!

    I hear you about being tired of asking. I got to that point quite some time ago...the point where asking is more of a burden than any comfort that you might be able to get from them.

    Sorry, hon.

    At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    That basic, sad lack of a meaningful emotional connection that plagues so many relationships . . . mine included. Asking for or even hinting at what you need seems onerous, and a final rough push to the side, no matter how unintended they will tell you it is . . .

    Two big arms around you, sweetie, sent electronically.


    At 12:07 PM, Blogger WryGirl said...

    Thanks guys. I'm left feeling alternately weepy and take-charge. Fuck this noise!

    At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You need to get out, dress up like a scullery maid, and cut up some lemons . . . I'll be right over.


    Alternatively, you can do what I always do . . . get lost in the ratrace of kids' activities and mentally move on. Probably not the healthiest response, but it works.


    At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Dreams - I have latent memories which often manifest themselves as night terrors; although they are more dangerous to my bedmate than myself. Resigning myself to them being a lifelong penance for certain sins, I have tried to repress them. Apart from some very strange medications (trust me, these are not something you want to experience) the best solution has been simple physical exhaustion from strenuous exercise and keeping regular sleep patterns.

    Husband - I wish you all the best in this area.

    At 3:58 PM, Blogger WryGirl said...

    Distractions and exercise are both excellent options.

    carson: You're right, I should have clued him in, reached out in some way. I'm just so damn tired of it. *sigh*


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