• Friday, May 05, 2006


    Seems I have this post in me, despite the late hour.

    Let's focus, class, on that bit of manly anatomy between the waist and the thigh. The ass-u-lar region. The bits. Let's be specific.

    For one, size matters. To me. When my boy was born, he arrived in a blaze of glory and I needed many many many stitches. Luckily, the doctor was trained Old School. He got me fixed right up. He happened to also do my husband a favor, he thought. Made things a little tighter than when I checked in to the hospital. Not inappropriately, it's called The Husband's Stitch. I found it Not Helpful.

    So I'm picky. I like a nice-sized cock. Not too big, not too small. I like it to slide in, nice and polite. Oh but it's not just that. I like a cock I can deep throat to the point of nudging my nose against his stomach. I don't mind, later on, struggling with the gag. He's most likely, after all, fucking my mouth.

    Balls? High and tight.

    Cut or uncut: Who cares. College boyfriend was the latter. No big difference from cut, but sometimes I thought it added a pleasant slippery back-and-forth. I like the look of the former, and the feel of the head, that edge, that little extra speed bump when he thrusts inside me. Ok, so cut.

    Hair: A bald pale chest will turn me off faster than a light. I like the fur, the down, the reminder that we're different. Hair makes him more animal. It's, I don't know, kind of adorable for him to have a fuzzy bum.

    If knew such a man? Well, I might be unnaturally subject to his whim. Too bad for us.


    At 8:45 AM, Blogger Shon Richards said...

    I'm curious, does the 'Husband's Stitch' loosen in time? If it doesn't that seems like an awfully rude thing for the doctor to do. Heck, even if it does lessen it still seems pretty arrogant.

    Although, I am having fun imagining what a Wife's Stitch would be

    At 9:17 AM, Blogger WryGirl said...

    No, the flesh heals that way and that's what you're stuck with.

    At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'm your boy.

    At 11:29 AM, Blogger ArtfulDodger said...

    all I want to know is how you found my picture? :)

    never heard of the husband's stitch before, can't say I like the idea of any Doctor doing things to me that I haven't approved of... kinda creepy.

    At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Between 7 & 8 and thick; cut; generous amount of hair, but not Sasquach (sp?) . . . let's meet for a drink, my love.


    At 12:03 AM, Blogger Shay said...

    I like the fur too!!
    It's fun and soft ^_^


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