• Friday, May 19, 2006


    Can I tell you something? I mean, I know we don't know each other very well. But here we are drinking and eating together. Our kids are playing in the backyard. The husbands are out. Can we just decide to be best girlfriends? Or do we have to spend our time in that vague state of acquaintance?

    Or can I tell you that I'd like to be spanked?
    That I just bought my second vibrator and haven't tried it yet?
    That I've found success with the first?
    Can I admit my sexual history, who is the best, who I want most?
    Would you like anything I've written?
    How I like it - savage, unhinged, lingering, joyful - can we discuss that?

    Would you mind? Could we just skip all the pretense and just confess?

    I thought not. We'll just enjoy our coffee and talk nice. Potty training and celebrity gossip. Girls are dumb.


    At 10:03 AM, Blogger Shon Richards said...

    I think you summed up so much about friendships and sex right there. Nice job.

    At 11:10 AM, Blogger Terri Madison said...

    Can we sip Starbucks and talk toys?

    I'm rather partial to my shower massager myself--if only I could take it to bed with me!

    At 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I'll be your girlfriend like that.

    I've often wondered what's under the surface of some of my acquaintences.

    So tell us about the new vibrator. What sort is it?


    At 8:41 PM, Blogger What the Chuck said...

    Hi WG,

    Playdates for the kids are good. You pass the time, in mindless nihilism, while the kids scream around the playground, running and jumping and tiring their little bodies out.

    That's OK. I'll be waiting at home, and they'll nap soundly, while I tire your little body out.



    At 11:14 PM, Blogger ArtfulDodger said...

    surface, so much of our lives on the surface and afraid to take the plung into the depths... ahh, so well know I the fear of breaking through. So how about that weather?

    At 12:12 PM, Blogger ~ Storm said...

    This sums up my life when my kids were young. I never had anyone I could talk to except my girlfriends who had no kids. It seemed like the minute these women had children they forgot how to do anything but change diapers and be "mommy" and not a sexual being.

    I wish we lived closer.


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