• Monday, February 06, 2006


    We stood on the corner in the mist. The city streets were slick and bright. I heard cars swish past behind me as I faced him.

    'Well,' he said.
    'Yes,' I said. I rearranged his scarf so it crossed in front of his neck, to keep him warmer.
    'There's nothing we can say right now that won't sound stupid,' he said.
    I nodded.
    'Is there anything stupid you want to say?' he asked.
    'No. You know how I feel,' I said.
    'Yes. I hope you know how I feel,' he said. 'Thank you for everything.'
    I smiled and shrugged.
    I held his lapels and we kissed briefly, twice.
    We both turned and began to walk away from each other. After I reached the oppposite sidewalk I turned and watched him go, across the double lanes, the island of grass, the opposite lanes. I watched until he was halfway down the next block. Then I turned around, walked into the building, and rode the elevator to the ninth floor, weeping soundlessly.


    At 4:21 PM, Blogger ArtfulDodger said...

    “The weight of this sad time we must obey;
    Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say.”

    Sometimes Shakespeare has a way of saying things when I don't know what to say. That's cause he was a pretty decent writer. :)

    At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Love means being able to let someone go if it is better for him or you or both of you. The world was never ment to be fair, it is too often is not.

    What you did was right, and shows strength. You will know later, when yours tears have gone and you know that you can still love him for what he was and what he is and that you can love yourself for not being egoistic but instead letting him go.

    Decisions hurt sometimes. Aometimes I think we are emotional masochists for doing stuff like this over and over again. But is this not what makes us feel alive? Would we rather live in a world without emotions, shallow, boring, dull?

    At 6:38 PM, Blogger James Scolari said...


    beautifully written.


    At 8:49 PM, Blogger WryGirl said...

    AD: At least I know my struggles aren't anything new. Thanks, friend.

    T: Yes, to keep embracing new experiences, to repair our hearts, to have faith. When I need to dull it down, though, there's therapy and beer. Yummy yummy beer.

    BF: I try! Glad I succeeded this time.

    At 8:15 AM, Blogger jazzi said...

    short, poignant and so wonderfully expressive. thanks.


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