• Friday, September 15, 2006

    HNT: My New Pastime.


    At 1:58 PM, Blogger woodinhand said...

    Subtle yet too the point!

    Anything to share about your pastime? ;)

    At 2:18 PM, Blogger JUnderCovers said...

    Good to have a hobby. So is the reading material integral to the other activity, or just a good cover?

    At 2:29 PM, Blogger Shon Richards said...

    I am so jealous you have 'Lost Girls'

    At 3:30 PM, Blogger Supercock said...

    and a great pastime it is to have too.


    At 3:50 PM, Blogger Buyer Beware said...

    Looks like you have everything you need to "relax".

    At 4:38 PM, Blogger ArtfulDodger said...

    Hey, you got Lost Girls! Did you get it after my review? That would be sooooo cool. How do you like it so far?

    At 8:41 PM, Blogger single gal said...

    i think we have the same hobby.

    At 10:29 PM, Blogger Semi-Celibate Man said...

    Yeah toys! HHNT

    At 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I stumbled upon your blog recently and over 2 days read through it all.I am not sure what to make of you.At best I think you are confused and possibly self-loathing,which is probably why you are depressed and on anti-depressents.You are certainly not self confident hence you always seek affirmation from admirers, horny men and sexual perverts alike.Your blog was arousing and exciting at the beginning, in the end I was feeling sorry for you and not in sympathy or empathy kind of way.You just seem like a really sad case. Now I love your sexual side, the fact that when you are in your element you have no limits when you do get sexual with the man that is clearly using you for his own sexual pleasure.And we know you like being used this way so no skin off your back.
    I have been the other guy to many women like you, women that end up giving me their all instead of their husbands, natuarrally as a man I do it ALL to them slap their asses , pull their hair , fuck them in the but and drill them with toys.With each encounter they are well used , well fucked and deeply satisfied and left longing for more .But guess what for me it's just sex, I say and do all the right things with them just to get a leg over, the minute mention of leaving their husbands and all that come up I end it all, it's brutal , it's cold, but I could never marry those women .They are for me to use and no doubt they use me to , even though they end up wanting more than sex.

    Clearly your husband has sexual problems, but I am glad he has acknowledge them, that is the first step towards making things right.He is trying to work things out and you are clearly a fool for not wanting to honestly devot your attentions to this.Even his sexual challenges can be overcome , you should perhaps read books by Sue Johanson and get some good sexual advise.You have not taken the time to explore fully the things that would excite him , perhaps it's not always penetrative sex.With renewed committment and attention you can revive your sexual life.You don't have to go all out at first , start slow , easy does it and you will soon find that it will become more enjoyable , more advanced and reach if not surpass the level you have reached with the other man.
    Escapism is not going to heal you, just like anti-depressents have not brought you bliss fucking other men is a distraction , but not a solution.

    More later, but just some food for thought,I hope this will make it to your blog .Take it from a man who fucks many a married women in your situation .

    At 6:32 PM, Blogger Samantha said...

    Very nice :) It may be a bit late, but Happy HNT!


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