• Friday, September 08, 2006

    Latest Fantasy.

    Everything always seems better, your outlook brighter, after a boat ride.

    So let's hit the water. Call it a vacation, or an escape, or whatever. We'll just go.

    The Queen Mary II would be grand, wouldn't it? But we don't have to go so far. I'll be happy as long as there are deck chairs, a comfortable cabin with a full-sized bed, and a staff. The deck chairs will be for lounging, reading, and the 4pm cocktail laced with rum and pineapple. The bed will be for, well, you know. Romping. Constant hijinks. Lubricious fun. And the staff will be for servicing us for all else. Room service breakfast with croissants and vats of coffee. Lunches on the deck. Dinners of filet mignon and shellfish, tableside Caesar salad, pie. Changing the sheets. Replenishing the fizzy water.

    And all we have to do is ride the waves. I'll scold you into putting on suntan lotion. You'll snap a towel at my ass. We'll sleep naked and entwined, not worrying about getting home or rushing to the next thing. Where we are is all there is. It's what's happening now.


    At 2:39 AM, Blogger single gal said...

    i'm all for the snapping of the towel.

    At 10:49 AM, Blogger What the Chuck said...

    Hi WG,

    I'm all about sailing. Screw the Queen Mary. We'll get on a schooner-- a big one, with mates-- nothing too small. Get drunk with the captain. Screw in the cabin down below. Sit in the rigging and watch the sun go down.

    We'll watch fall pass. And be glad we're somewhere where fall doesn't mean much except hurricane season, which is a reason to go ashore, drink caipirinhas, and fuck in a little hotel room until the storm passes.

    Mai tais anyone?



    At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I,m in. I would add professional massage and some warm rock therapy. Lots of bottled water. I feel better thinking about it. Thanks for the fantasy.

    At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I think you need to get a Hitachi Magic Wand. Now.

    At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mmmmm, very nice. I can see you now, in nothing but a smile, waiting for that first romp.

    Maybe wearing deck shoes.



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