• Tuesday, May 08, 2007


    Well only, like, a million years later and once again I have internet.

    I'm in my new apartment. Sitting on the floor with the keyboard on my lap.

    This place, still going through renovations, is a complete mess. So far it's a positive move, though.

    Got a couple personal things (read: fucking) that I've considered but am going to say 'no thanks' to for now. One was an impetuous idea that needs to be ditched. The other is fairly significant but the timing is wrong. I do, after all, need to spend some time alone and figure things out. It's the sort of thing that when I don't get a phone call, I start getting wiggy. If I know that I'm not balanced or thinking squarely, I can't really go any further. I'll explain more soon.

    Now I go a-searchin' for the box of forks.


    At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You will learn new meaning to the phrase "it's in a box somewhere"
    welcome home

    At 11:00 AM, Blogger Gadfly said...

    You need something new. Go have a look at coffee tables or something.

    At 1:15 PM, Blogger ArtfulDodger said...

    Congrats on getting this far beautiful, the next few weeks are tough ones, but it gets better and better every day. New doors are opening all around you, even though you might not see them yet. :)

    At 4:25 PM, Blogger Jim said...

    You know, mankind existed happily on this planet for millennia without the fork, so . . .
    ya know . . . I think I had a point . . .

    Oh yes, just stick with finger foods, if you can't find them. Sushi. Cheese and crackers. Marinated asparagus. Chocolate. Honey sesame sticks from Trader Joe's.

    What about the lamp situation, has that been resolved? I know you like lamps.

    I vote for an HNT that shows our heroine free and naked as a jaybird in her new place . . . who's with me?

    [cricket sound]

    Happy Home, Wry.


    At 10:52 AM, Blogger ArtfulDodger said...


    At 7:51 PM, Blogger Lenora said...

    Glad you're back . . . can't wait to read more . . . hugs . . .



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