• Wednesday, May 31, 2006

    No Fun?

    In conversation with AAG, I revealed that I don't have television anymore(don't worry, this isn't all about tv). I still have the set, but back in February the family decided that between NetFlix, cable, and TiVo, all our free time and money was dedicated to television. So we decided to cancel it.

    Now, I'm a serious tv addict. My parents tried to limit me to two hours a day, and I couldn't do it. When I'm around one, I'll watch anything, nothing for hours upon time. My brain gets that happy numb buzz...uh I might be getting hot just thinking about it.

    For the time, we just have NetFlix, and that's cool. But I don't like being one of those dorks who has never seen Grey's Anatomy or can't talk pop culture.

    "No tv. No sex. How do you live?" Was AAG's reply.

    Let's see. I don't drink coffee or eat chocolate because I'm caffeine sensitive. I avoid sugar in all forms (candy, fruit, bread!) because it gives me a sugar pop then crash. I ate two cookies with chocolate chips last night at 9pm; this was a major mental coup - to enjoy myself rather rather than deprive myself for fear of the consequences.

    And now I've decided to stop drinking for the month of June. It just seems that I'm relying on booze too much to make me feel happy and contended. Also, I've been know to drive, thinking I'm ok, then not *quite* able to remember the whole thing. I usually have one drink or ten. If I have two, that's it. I'm loading up.

    Ok, so, to summarize...

    No tv
    No alcohol
    No sugar
    No caffeine
    No sex

    I suck.


    At 12:23 PM, Blogger Shon Richards said...

    Funny, I don't do three of the five either. Do you read much? I don't know if I could stand spending that much time inside my own head.

    At 12:26 PM, Blogger JUnderCovers said...

    I could never make that choice to give up TV. Mrs. J and I are totally addicted. We have a bunch of shows we watch regularly, not as many as we used, plus Tivo, but often it's background noise for us while we're reading, blogging, talking, playing with dogs, whatever. We decided to ignore the people who kept saying "My god, your TV is always on!" (namely my mother), and say to anyone who thinks we watch too much TV "fuck off and worry about yourself!".

    No coffee--no way. Need that blast in the morning.

    No sugar--I could do that, except I need it for coffee. Damn!

    No sex--I'm trying that, not on purpose. :/

    No alcohol--I've cut back dramatically. No more nightly glasses of wine. Trying to keep it to a bottle a week, always shared with the wife, and maybe a beer or two after golf or mowing the lawn. Definitely helped losing weight.

    So you're not the only that sucks. We all do to varying degrees. Hope you have loads of fun.

    At 1:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You are my hero, for not using sugar and caffeine.

    TV...don't watch much, but for childrens' shows.

    I envy you your friend.


    At 3:17 PM, Blogger WryGirl said...

    I don't have any fiction going right now, but always get through the New Yorker, Bust, National Geographic. Reading lots of non-fiction lately about space.

    AAG: Yes, I'm sure we'll have a pleasant time. Wish you were around!

    At 5:55 PM, Blogger Anteros said...

    I used to be a TV addict, then life kinda got in the way and I started getting out more and living. I think I much perfer living than watching TV.

    I've always wondered if there is some sort of tie between depression and watching too much TV etc. Caffine and sugar is a nono for me too unfrotunately but that's life.

    But sex... now that needs to be fixed.

    Personally I don't think you suck at all, there's more to life than TV, alcohol, sugar and caffine.

    At 9:23 PM, Blogger ArtfulDodger said...

    I don't watch much TV myself either, unless my son wants to watch something. We mostly, when we have time, watch a DVD, or play video games together.

    I don't drink coffee, can't stand it. But I am a Coke fiend. Trying to stop.

    Sugar I can take it or leave it, but it never affects me one way or the other.

    Drinking. Haven't done much of that since college really, and lately I have totally given it up. Haven't had an alcholohic beverage in six months.

    And sex, well, I went 13+ years without it. But now I have one of those "special friends" and at least I'm enjoying myself again. :)

    At 3:00 AM, Blogger DH said...

    Woohoo! I like the sound of your upcoming visit!


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