• Wednesday, August 09, 2006

    Good News and Meat Cake

    If you don't want a political rant, check out Meat Cake.

    If you don't think it's good news that Joe Lieberman lost the Connecticut Democratic primary to Ned Lamont. . .well you're wrong. Finally we have a chance to lose that dead carp of a politician.

    If you think it's an issue of the war in Iraq. . .again you'd be wrong. It's about telling Lieberman and the Democratic establishment that he can call it 'bi-partisanship' or 'the ability to transcend party lines,' but it is not ok to blindly follow a president's agenda simply because dissent is 'immoral and weak.' (ok, I paraphrase. What Lieberman actually said is "We undermine the president's credibility at our nation's peril."

    This is a guy who routinely touts his 'morality' and 'traditional values' while at the same time playing a crucial role in passing legislation to protect chemical companies from lawsuits due to defective products. (really, you should read Matt Tiabi's excellent Aug.10 Rolling Stone article to get the details).

    And this is the guy who is trotted out at the one who should win? Please.

    Thank you, Ned Lamont.


    At 1:07 PM, Blogger JUnderCovers said...

    Amen, sister! I've never been a fan of Lieberman going all the way back to 2000 when he was dead weight on our ticket. The president does plenty to undermine his own credibility--dissenting Congressmen are patriots and are doing what they're supposed. Checks and balances, anyone?

    I just wish my state could shed some of its losers this fall too.

    At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I was just in CT, is it also known as the nutmeg state or is the GEICO lizard high?

    At 4:41 PM, Blogger What the Chuck said...

    HI WG,

    I completely agree.

    Next time we play tie-you-up, we're gonna do it with red/white/blue rope.



    At 5:02 PM, Blogger WryGirl said...

    No really, it's the nutmeg state. The flower is the mountain laurel. That big tree on the state quarter is the Charter Oak.

    You can tell, I've spent some time there.

    At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good tidbits to remember if I am ever on Jeopardy. TY

    At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    I respectfully disagree with you on the Lieberman defeat. The Clinton's & Kerry's lack of support for a democrat with an almost two decades long tenure voting with his party over 90% of the time shows me how much they and the democrats lack any soul at all. It is true proof that like wild animals they will eat their young if mood strikes them. In the long run CT and America will see that the anti war extreme left wing of the democratic party is harmful to the greater war against islamo-fascism. We can't sit around the campfire with them and sing songs and hope they will "love" us and stop blowing us up!!!
    I agree with you on the immunity for the chemical companies however. This is an issue that has perplexed me somewhat, although with the vile trial lawyers and ambulance chasers that exist in the world today is a surprise we have any consumer products at all.

    At 2:19 PM, Blogger What the Chuck said...

    Huh? Being against a crackpot war is being part of the extreme left?

    So that means we've made that much progress, that 60% of America is the extreme left?

    There may be hope for this country after all-- what could possibly be next? Universal health insurance? Lions, tigers and bears?


    At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    One might believe that the war has been transacted inefficiently and that mistakes have been made but you certainly can't call it unjust. 60% have certain misgivings, but 60% are not Cindy Sheehan anti war. I could go point by point with you but here is not the venue. Name your location and we can discuss what we believe. I am always up for a healthy respectful discussion! Please dont tell my you buy into the whole "George Bush knew about 9/11 and did nothing to stop it" theory!

    At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "islamo-fascism" - did you just make this up or is some talking head on televesion creating this jabberwocky?
    BTW - I am a pro-war, pro-Bush, pro-big industrial complex (because I own a shitpot of Exxon) kinda guy.

    At 11:31 PM, Blogger WryGirl said...

    Wow this is actually interesting.

    I essentially believe that Lieberman was bad not because he was anti-war, but because of his mawkish loyalty in supporting it. The guy just doesn't stand for anything except being well-liked by the most people.

    And I'm sick and tired of being told by Democratic faithfuls that I have to vote for someone because of their 'win-ability.' Like, Kerry was electable, but who the fuck actually thought he stood for anything?

    At 2:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You can become an engine of creativity Wrygirl, all you need to do is lead us. :D

    At 10:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wry - Lieberman has never been anti-war. He supports Bush in his efforts to rid us of the radical islamists that wish to harm us.

    Chuck - I guess that was the best response you could come up with? How can you be pro war and make the "crackpot war" reference? Discuss it with intelligence if at all. Are you sure your not Canadian?

    At 10:54 AM, Blogger WryGirl said...

    Oh gosh what a typo I made.

    I'll just say it again: it isn't that he was pro-war. It's that he's a simpering, hypocritical mercenary.

    At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Wry - Atta girl say how you REALLY feel. You seem to be in better spirits of late. Hope things are going well.

    At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Good Lord, and I read it here first.

    BTW - The CT primary is getting much press, even in the Nebraska.

    At 8:44 PM, Blogger What the Chuck said...

    Hi DevDude,

    In the comments section of one of my favorite little pookies is not where I discuss politics, and I'm sorry I started.


    As a national political consultant, and someone with extensive experience in Arab and Mid-East affairs, I've heard it all before.

    Here's a simple one for you to determine whether you actually know something or not: why is a culture where having "potluck" dinners is considered socially acceptable never going to understand Iraq?



    P.S. WG, I'm sorry. I just couldn't contain myself. You know how I get. Next time, all new toys. Fun ones. Really! XOXO

    At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Your right Chuck your far too powerful for my weak intellect. I certainly wouldn't want to cast a shadow on any of those medals you have put on public display. "....National political consultant...extensive experience....Arab Mid East affairs...???" Get over yourself already.

    At 6:45 PM, Blogger What the Chuck said...

    Hi Devdude,

    The fundamental problem with Americans is that they don't know that they don't know anything about politics. And they assume that everyone is as ignorant as they are.

    Sorry-- so not true. And you still couldn't answer the simplest of cultural questions. That puts you on par with Condoleeza Rice-- unfortunately


    At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Unfortunately I have to agree with you about the majority of Americans being ignorant about foreign affairs. But don't look down your nose at me with your pompous attitude and spout off about what you presume I know or don't know. Having grown up in various countries in southeast Asia from the time I was four years old I can tell you much of what the asian culture comprises. Can I tell you what some of the mores and morals are in Pakistan or Iran - probably not? But you clearly can't judge me or anyone else on what I know or fail to know based on the thread of "conversation" that has transpired.
    Your probably eighteen and fairly impressed with yourself over your recent completion of a complex history book. Conversation often times means more then merely being a conversationalist.
    Whether an Iraqi finds a meal comprised of leftovers socially offensive is irrelavant Especially when one determines that knowing the answer to that question is a litmus testfor knowledge.
    I still think you are an angry Canadian!

    At 9:50 PM, Blogger What the Chuck said...

    HI DevDude,

    You figured me out. I am 18, and a Canadian.

    And the fact that you still can't figure out why it matters is now turning into a source of amusement.

    Hmmm, what do those Iranians do, anyway? I have no idea.


    At 9:59 PM, Blogger What the Chuck said...

    PS-- DevDude-- uh, do you understand how Blogger works?

    Have you ever thought to click on my profile?

    And, before you flame on, remember that sometimes you can meet very interesting and unusual people on the Internet-- like someone who is an expert in foreign policy, and whose father was a revolutionary under Mossadegh.


    At 8:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Nor do I care to meet you or you me. Have fun enjoying hearing yourself speak because you have now bored me to death.


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