• Monday, September 03, 2007

    True Friend.

    Last week my grief for my mother hit me at 9:30 on Wednesday night. I felt that now-familiar need to talk to her.

    So I sat down and typed a letter to her as though she didn't know the news of the last year or so. I spent probably an hour on the computer, and wrote about two single-space pages. I told her the truth about men. I told her all the complicated details that I would have left out in real life, for fear of her judgment. I explained where I was now, how I think, and where I'm headed.

    At the end of it, I realized that all that truth actually needed to be out there in the world for someone alive to know. I needed to learn how to have the guts to share it with an actual friend.

    So I changed the heading, and sent it to my college roommate. We aren't particularly close. We were excellent roommates, but not each other's closest friend in college. But she saw me through a lot of man-trouble, so when I got married I asked her to be my maid of honor. Now we see each other maybe every other year. I know we love each other, but still I worried about her reaction.

    A day later she emailed me one sentence:

    'I am so proud of you.'


    At 7:07 PM, Blogger Gadfly said...

    I wish I could come over with a couple of dramatically-captivating chick flicks and two bottles of Moet for no fucking reason whatsoever. Share some space and some bubbly and then say goodbye for the night.

    Of course, then I'd have to go home and grab some hand lotion and relieve the tension downstairs .... but for you, I would :o)

    *hugs from out west*

    At 12:55 AM, Blogger Holy Visile said...

    There are friends that simply transcend time. Good on ya.

    Speaking of time, at critical junctures in life I often look for myself, because if anyone can solve the time travel conundrum, it is me. MY IQ ROCKS

    At 1:51 PM, Blogger Jim said...

    Sounds like a good friend . . . I'd keep in touch with her.


    At 1:35 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

    I can relate to the grief and to appreciating the living. I'm not sure how I got here...click, click... but if it's OK, I'd like to come back.


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