Back In The Game.
Wow, OK a week since I last wrote. Let's catch up.
It's Wednesday morning, and the lovely morning sun keeps me from sleeping late. I'm taking a mental health day and keeping the boy at home. The plan is to get some shit done, such as bills, and to figure out what this boy needs.
The weekend was a great one, full of friends, music, sex, food, wine, and cheese. Having my friends over for late-night hanging out with a fire made me happier than I have been in a very long time. People asked me how I was, how's the separation going, and I truthfully answered 'Great. I'm happy.' It was such a relief to say it. It was such a relief to feel it. My life is not just better, but good.
And yes, I did say sex. As candid as I can be, I'm not going to get into the details too much, only: POW pow pow pow POW POW. Yes yes, it's good to be touched and desired, to hear tender words, but really, let me just say fucking is good. And this fucking? Really fucking great.
Then I picked up my son on Sunday and it has been one car crash after another. Tantrums. Tantrums with me, tantrums with his teachers. Made us all cry with frustration. Then it turns around and starts affecting my work, and I feel like a professional fuck-up because I'm letting my co-workers down and distracting them from the million other things they should be doing. And I don't know how to handle this kid. Boot camp? More leeway? He's tired and stressed, confused too. There's no small measure of sadness and anger he's feeling. Like, duh. I, in turn, feel terrible, awful really, for putting him through this.
So I'm taking today to figure things out with him, get the groceries, pay the bills, make some phone calls. . .get back in the game.