Today was therapy. It was mixed. Again, the difficult issues, topics. Here is the dynamic: Husband is kind of absent, I get impatient with him, then he shuts down and spaces out, withdraws even further. It happened even within the session; the therapist asked him to echo back what I had said not 5 minutes before. He managed to remember after about 10 minutes. I just started to cry, feeling so unheard.
I feel as though the only way I can help is to treat him like an egg, and never be myself (impetuous, impatient, prickly), who I kind of like. I'm not a sweet-as-sugar person so it feels just about impossible to get out of the cycle. I already feel as though I am less myself than I'd like, around here at least. There's a whole side of me that doesn't get out much at home: spontaneous, hilarious, irreverent, crass. And I'll have to shut off more of myself and be nicer nicer nicer to make this marriage work because he's so fragile? is that the word?
The good part is that we are getting down to the core of who we are together. But I don't like the picture it paints. I don't like it at all.